My Birth Story

Hey guys!!!

For my first blog I thought I would just tell you guys about my birth experience.

As a first time mom {and as a control freak lol} I did so much research and reading throughout my pregnancy as to prepare myself for Amelia’s birth. Everything I read said that you can plan as much as you want, but when it comes down to it, it’s just out of your hands. That was the understatement of the century.

Up until I was about 38 weeks pregnant, I planned on having an all natural birth. No pain meds for labor, no epidural, nothing. When I went to my doctors that week, they told me that my baby was breech. For those of you who don’t know, that means that her head was up in my ribs and her feet were facing down. I had to face reality… I was going to have to have a c-section. I had been planning for almost 9 months for this birth, and I hadn’t researched or read one single thing about c-section births because it just wasn’t a thought in my mind. I planned for an all natural birth. I had one week until the surgery, and I came to discover that during a c-section, there really is not much in your control at all.

Okay, I just want to give a heads up to moms reading… I did not have a good experience with my c-section. I don’t think it was horrible, but it just isn’t something that I wanted and I didn’t feel comfortable with the whole thing. I had never had surgery before, or any major medical procedures at all.

So we arrived at the hospital the morning it was scheduled and went into triage. This is where they prepped me for surgery. I had a bad experience with getting an IV started right from the get-go. There were 5 nurses, 2 anesthesiologists, and my doctor all surrounding me in this little room poking at me from all angles trying to find a good vein to start my line. They ended up putting my IV in the top of my foot! {Ouch!!} Then it just got more scary from there. Neil wasn’t allowed into the operating room until I was all set up and had already received my spinal tap. So I walked in the OR wearing nothing but my gown, and they had me crawl up onto the small metal operating table and they had me sit up with my legs straight out in front of me. There were about 6 people running around this small room, hooking me up to machines, putting a catheter in me, and giving me my spinal tap. That was probably the scariest part of the whole experience. I was in a room full of strangers and I couldn’t move any part of my body. They would just move me around and they got everything all set up before Neil came in. Once he was there I felt so much better.

The actual surgery was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I didn’t feel any pain at all, it was just very uncomfortable, because I could feel some pulling inside my body. I could feel when my doctor pulled Amelia’s body out of mine. It was the craziest feeling in the world. Once she was out, my doctor showed her to us over the drape that was in front of me and that was it. I don’t mean to sound cliché, but she was the most beautiful and perfect baby I had ever seen. They cleaned her off and gave her to Neil and we were both just in tears because we couldn’t believe that she was all ours.

The next few days in the hospital were a whirlwind and I don’t remember much of it because it was all a blur. I was on a lot of pain meds {absolutely necessary} and we were both running on basically zero sleep. But the whole experience was just the coolest and craziest thing either of us had been through. Nothing was what we expected it to be. But we went home a few days later with our gorgeous bundle of joy!!

If you guys have any questions, I would love to answer them! Let me know if you want me to make another post that talks about c-section recovery because that is a whole other battle that moms have to go through. I really don’t know how I made it through while taking care of a newborn!

Also, I would LOVE to read about your experiences! Comment below!!

Thanks for reading my birth story!!

Shelb xoxo

3 thoughts on “My Birth Story”

  1. I loved reading your birth story Shelby! So I was in the same boat and I did so much research on how to have an all natural birth and I thought I was prepared! I even took a class on hypno-birthing and watched videos to try and learn the technique! I was 41 weeks and 2 days and my baby girl finally decided to make her arrival (a long process )!! My fiance and I were having a game night at our house, which ended up being perfect! It was our last little “hoo-rah” before Penelope would arrive and we had no idea! I kept getting a pain that I made myself believe wasnt contractions, that were about 10 minutes apart for a couple hours. At 11pm on 7/8/17 they kept getting closer and closer! I wanted to wait as long as I could before going to the hospital so I wouldn’t have to walk around for hours to speed up dilation! They began coming ever minute for 30 seconds each for an hour! I finally called my midwife around 1am and she sent me to triage where they told me I was only 2cm dilated. I was 2cm dialed for 2 weeks at this point! So I felt like there was so much pain and no actual progress! Finally around 7am they induced me and more than 3 hours went by and still no dilation! We all agreed it was probably because I couldn’t relax my body! I tried to avoid an epidural by accepting a pain medication that allowed me to sleep in between contractions that were only 2 minutes apart. It seems crazy, but I would literally fall into a deep sleep and wake up for the next contraction! After four hours of pain medication I was still only about 4 cm dilated. The pain medication wore off and I couldn’t handle the pain like I thought I could have! I got an epidural and within 1 hour my baby girl made her arrival with only 3 good pushes! I was lucky enough to not have to get any stitches after giving birth, which is shocking as she was 9.2 lbs and 22.25 inches long!! We were so Hally it went smoothly but after 12 hours we were trying to get sleep and our nurse came in and kept checking on her breathing and said she could hear fluid in her lungs and that we needed to try and burp her! We kept trying with no luck. We had only got a couple of hours of sleep and cold barley think straight! The nurse came in the middle of the night and took her to the NICU while we were sleeping and even told me she was taking her and I barley remember! I woke up and said okay and fell right back asleep. Looking back I can’t believe I wasn’t there with her at first but my body had been through a marathon and my brain was not working at all!! At 7 in the morning I woke up after a couple hours and she wasn’t in the room and we started freaking out!! The doctors came in and told us that she may have pneumonia because they took Xrays and she had fluid in her lungs! After days of keeping her in NICU with heavy breathing, she got better and it was just natural fluid that didn’t make its way out during her dilvery! Between pumping every two hours at the hospital and going down to the NICU after everyday, it was so exhausting and I slept for a total of 7 hours over 4 days! We were so happy to come home with our baby! I would love to hear more about your c-section recovery! I haven’t talked to any moms about that yet!!


    1. Wow! Your birth story sounds like such a wild experience. I can’t even imagine going into a deep sleep in between contractions, that’s so crazy that they even have a medication that can do that! Amelia had fluid in her lungs when she was born, too. But the nurses told us that for c-section babies that’s totally normal. The fluids weren’t naturally pushed out like they should if she were to have gone through the birth canal. But she burped hers up within the first 24 hours. I can’t imagine how scary that was. And you are a super mom for pumping every 2 hours and bringing it to her! Pumping is so much harder than I would have ever thought.

      Thank you so much for sharing your story!
      P.S. I LOVE your daughters name!


  2. It definitely was a wild experience!! I didn’t even know about babies having fluid that even had to come out during birth, otherwise I may have slowed down my pushing a bit haha! That’s awesome hers came up! I wish we would have known what it was for sure right away, instead of the NICU having to figure it out! They gave her multiple antibiotics right when she got there just to be safe (which I wish we didn’t have to do)! THANK YOU so much!!! I feel like super mom some days and other days I feel like quitting pumping but I know I won’t be able to bring myself to do it until after she’s a year old! With her being in the NICU and refusing to latch, after 2 days we had to resort to bottle feeding her my BM. Once we got home I tried working so hard with her to latch but failed. So she still gets it by bottle and I still pump multiple times a day!
    Thank you so much!! Amelia’s name is absolutely PRECIOUS!!!


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